Sophie Wysocki is originally from Austin, Texas, and is currently studying Creative Writing with a specialization in Fiction in the MFA program at City College. Previously, she published her short story “False Grace” in the Promethean in the 2023-2024 issue. She is concurrently pursuing a career as a writer and an editor, and has most recently interned with Avid Reader Press, an imprint at Simon & Schuster. She is now working on her first novel, which will serve as her MFA thesis.


Jefferson Everest Crawford is a writer and filmmaker. Originally from Gloucester, Massachusetts, he received a BA in film and media studies from Dartmouth College and is pursuing an MFA in creative writing from the City College of New York. He is the managing editor of Fiction Magazine and a senior editor of the Promethean Literary Magazine.


Jahreen Hussain is working on her second Promethean volume. Currently in her fourth year at CCNY, she is pursuing an undergraduate degree in English and Philosophy. As a Bengali-American, she indulges in South Asian research, especially diasporic prose. In her free time, she immersed herself in anything that fuels her spirit, such as dancing, writing poetry, creating zines and much more.


Aïcha Barry is a writer and illustrator with a BFA in Kinetic Imaging from Virginia Commonwealth University (2013). She has self-published comics showcased at the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival, and the Richmond and D.C Zine Festivals (2018). A former Tin House Graphic Narrative resident (2019), Aïcha is currently pursuing a Publishing Certificate at CCNY, aiming to support fellow writers and artists as a copyeditor or art director in the future. She is delighted to be part of the team of editors for Promethean Literary Magazine. Her favorite recent read is "Your Utopia" by Bora Chung.


Lily Nguyen is a junior editor at Promethean and a double major in English and Business Management. Passionate about storytelling and the literary world, she explores themes of identity, cultural heritage, and legacy, drawing from her experiences as a Vietnamese American in her writing. Outside of editing and writing, she enjoys lakeside towns, watching basketball, and working out.


Mikaela Dillon is a history student enamored with the arts and nature. Mikaela enjoys reading various genres (gothic fiction being her favorite), writing, and listening to music during her free time. She collects copies of Jane Eyre and CDs solely for ‘historical purposes.’